Things getting me through my PhD
These are few things playing a crucial role in my PhD journey, hope you find some inspiration too. If you have any recommendations, ping me up :)
- Research as understanding: A perspective towards research as pure as the one we all started with as kids, before we started thinking about career, promotion, funding,, in academia.
- How to turn pro: The only way to become a pro is to fight the resistance, an engaging summary of the book The War of Art.
- Mimetic desire of René Girard
- Story of someone who worked in physics and had a revelation about mimetic desire
- How colleges act as incubators for Mimetic Desire
- How the stories we tell ourselves compel us to prioritize our behaviours - Anand Gandhi: Culture we consume is to our brains as food is to our body? So, let’s keep an eye on our media diet?
- The Egg by Andy Weir[story, animated video: Novelty is the key; it deals with the purpose of life the best, cause it shows how death doesn’t matter (you were/are/will still be alive in other forms), but also shows that what you do in your lifetime is important and valuable to reach the end goal of humanity.
- Choose one of five: Andrew Scott reads Edith Sampson’s speech at a graduation ceremony about what one can with a degree now that one has it.
- Fundamentals of Data Visualization: Guide on presenting data in practical and aesthetic ways.
- Missing semester IAP 2020 @ MIT: General introduction to some computing tools like UNIX shell, Git and more. Supplementary: The Good Research Code Handbook
- An Introduction to the History and Philosophy of Science: Helps you appreciate what science is, and how we (humans) make it.
- Overleaf: To collaborate on LaTeX documents. You can also host your own overleaf server for added privacy.
- Inkscape: FOSS vector-graphic editor.
- Google Slides: I am trying to move to an entirely LaTeX workflow, but this is just more convenient for collaborations.
- Python and it’s invaluable packages:
- pandas
- jupyter-notebooks
- vim and VSCode: Text editors of choice
- zsh + oh-my-zsh
- git